
Showing posts from August, 2019

Renovating on a Budget: How I Renovated a Bathroom for Less than 1,200 dollars

You may say, 'No Way!?', but yes. I remodeled a full bathroom for less than $1200. I was about to list my house and the bathroom was in MAJOR need of a renovation, see below for before and after pictures. AFTER BEFORE Inexpensive, but Beautiful Materials $0.99/SF Floor tile...  I did a printed tile for the floor that is super trendy, but NOT expensive! I got one similar to below for  $.99/sf from  Home Depot  . For a 30 sf bathroom that's only $32 with tax! Add in thin set and grout for another $30 and you have a new floor! $270 Pre-manufactured Vanity from Big Box Store... Nobody beats this price! I've priced it out so many times thinking I could beat the "all-in-one" price. Once you add finishing the cabinet, countertop, and sink, there's no comparison! If you can change out the hardware to make it feel more personal and less big-box store, that helps too. Or you may get lucky and find one that already has that feel, for $27...

DIY How To: Paint Kitchen Cabinets, Pt. 2 Painting

Now the fun part.. painting! Pick the color of your choice in the PPG Breakthrough or similar brand and use a really good brush. Something I learned early on being in the construction industry is don't skimp on supplies . A really good brush will help even a bad painter and you can re-use it over and over. See last  post  for materials list before painting. STEP 1: PAINT CABINET BASE/UPPER FRAMES... If you use a mini roller for this it makes it much easier. Use a brush for anything the roller can't reach. Make sure to clean up any drips that happen, easier when the paint is wet! STEP 2: PAINT THE CABINET DOOR BACKS Flip all the cabinets so the back of the cabinet door is facing up. Load the brush up and get rid of the excess paint. You should still have a lot of paint on your brush and swipe it on in a uniform fashion to spread on the cabinet. When your brush starts to stick or pull off paint you don't have enough paint on your brush. It should be easy to move you...