What I Learned from my Small Marble Hall Bathroom Renovation

This was the first renovation I did on my condo. My plan with my first home was to buy at a great price, in an up-and-coming location close to town and fix it up to a more modern feel (for more on this see My New House - Condo in Altamonte, FL) . There were a few phases to this renovation, but I'll start with my favorite renovation: my marble hall bathroom. I decided that since the footprint of this bathroom was so small I was going to make this bathroom my dream bathroom.

Okay, so maybe not that spectacular. But for a small space I really went all out, and learned a lot from it. These are the Home Depot finishes I chose:

Floor/Shower Accent: MSI Greecian White Basket Weave 12 in x 12 in ($12.98/sf)

I really used some high quality finishes in this bathroom, but I wish I wouldn't have. I spent so much money and really overdid the bathroom for the area I was in. The floor for such a small bathroom (5' x 8' = 40 sf * $13/sf = $520) was super expensive! I should've paid less than this for labor and materials combined. Wall tile was the same way ((5' * 6' = 30 sf) + (3' * 6' * 2 = 32 sf) = 62 sf * $16/sf = $992). I spent a lot of much needed money on this project. The whole goal of this house was to fix up and sell. Spending this kind of cash on my first project set me back significantly financially and only crippled my ability to do the other projects in a timely manner. Note to self: Don't Over-improve!

 The finished product is probably my favorite project to date, but in the future I'll figure out a way to cut costs while still maintaining the aesthetic. See below for before and after. 



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